Monday, 15 April 2013

Yelp CEO: Google Is A Monopolist That Screws Us Over, And Here's How

Yelp CEO Jeremy Stoppelman is testifying in Washington against Google, asking for government intervention to prevent the company from having too much power.

He says the search engine steals Yelp's content without attribution, favors its own sites, and is generally a bully.

In 2010 Google started scraping Yelp's content and inserting it into its own Google Local product, according to written testimony from Stoppelman. From 2005-2007, Google was licensing that content.

When it decided to start taking the content without license, Yelp complained. Google's response to Yelp: Let us scrape your content, or don't have it show up at all in our search results. Not being on Google was the same as not being on the web, so Yelp relented. Even after it relented, its review pages were given worse treatment, says Yelp.

The two companies have an interesting backstory. Google wanted to buy Yelp to build out its local content business for a reported $550 million. Yelp rejected Google's offer. Since then, Google has been building and acquiring parts to compete with Yelp. (Most recently, it paid $125 million for Zagat.)

Obviously, Stoppelman is worried that Google's local products are going to crush Yelp. He concluded his testimony by telling congressmen,"Today represents a rare opportunity for the government to protect innovation. Allowing a search engine with monopoly market share to exploit and extend its dominance hampers entrepreneurial activity."



Delta Ray is experienced web scraping consultant and writes articles on Yelp Data Scraping, Linkedin Profile Scraping, Yellowpages Data Scraping, eBay Product Scraping,  Website Harvesting, IMDb Data Scraping, Yelp Review Scraping Tripadvisor Data Scraping, Linkedin Email Scraping, Screen Scraping Services and yellowpages data scraping.

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